Monday, January 29, 2007

St Mary's - The Philosophy

Schoolwide Curriculum Philosophy
Consistent with our school Philosophy, Mission and Vision, curriculum at St. Mary's is holistic and provides boys with a broad range of learning experiences. Education of the 'whole child' is of utmost importance and is accomplished by providing an enriching spiritual, moral, artistic, athletic, and academic environment every day and at every grade level. Moral and ethical training consistent with Christian values is provided so that students develop respect for others and positive self-esteem. Students learn to accept responsibility, to organize for learning, and to work effectively with others. High expectations are set and support is provided for students to achieve their personal best.
School Philosophy
St. Mary's International School endeavors to form free and responsible young men. As a Catholic school, it integrates the acquisition of knowledge, the establishment of responsible freedom, and the deepening of personal faith. Education at St. Mary's is based on love and respect for the person, in full recognition of the dignity of humankind created in God's image and destined to live in union with Him.
Students are made aware of global issues, as well as of the aspirations of people who work for peace, justice, freedom and truth, in the hope that these may engender beliefs and actions conducive to the betterment of humanity. In this process, personal development is marked by empathy and mutual trust.
Academic programs are rigorous and challenging and are designed to prepare students for higher education within a safe, caring and orderly atmosphere. The all-boy environment creates a place wherein positive self-esteem can fully develop and where learning is promoted at a pace appropriate for boys. A comprehensive and enriching co-curricular program is offered, which allows for individual expression to enhance self-worth.
At St. Mary's, members of the international community in Japan can establish an identity respectful of both cultural and religious differences in an atmosphere that values diversity.
School Mission
Our mission is to Instruct, to Educate, and to Impart Christian Values.
School Vision Statement
St. Mary's is committed to educating boys to be lifelong learners of good character who demonstrate academic, physical, artistic, and moral excellence, respect for religious and cultural beliefs, and responsibility as international citizens.
Schoolwide Learner Expectations
The St. Mary's community is committed to developing self-directed, life-long learners who are:
Of Good Character,Reflecting values consistent with Christian principles,
Knowledgeable,Demonstrating a firm foundation in the academic, physical, and artistic disciplines,
Globally Aware,Showing sensitivity and compassion toward human and global concerns in a multi-cultural world, and exhibiting initiative, reliability, and perseverance in their response to these concerns,
Critical and Creative Thinkers,Confidently using appropriate resources and current technology, either independently or collaboratively, to reason, make decisions, and solve problems in a variety of contexts,
Effective Communicators,Receiving and expressing ideas and information competently and precisely.

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